Our Client Access Front End (CAFÉ) is designed for people who use services as well as their carers, advocates or relevant people service users wish to have access to their record. Implemented as an extension to any of our service related deployments CAFÉ provides anytime access for the people accessing your services, providing a real opportunity for collaboration and coproduction.
CAFÉ is an intuitive, flexible and heavily configurable solution that allows the people that use your services (and their carers/advocates) to carry out a wide variety of activities based on your wider system configuration, including but not limited to
– Completing or updating applications/assessments and referrals
– Viewing application/assessment and referral status/progress
– Viewing or updating permitted areas of their record, including support/Personal Housing Plans
– Managing and updating progress against goals and actions
– Accessing relevant external information and applications from within their record
– Communicating and collaborating with service providers and support workers
– Providing online or automated updates to advocates
Compliant with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), CAFÉ allows you to offer an alternative channel of communication and engagement, one that can increase customer engagement and provide an improved triage enabling you to better direct resources.
“Provide a digital doorway, improve engagement, reduce strain on resources”
CAFÉ can be deployed with our wider solutions for
– Case Management
– Service Management
– Personalisation and Individual Budgets.
– Finance (rent and support accounts)
– Multi-Agency Collaboration
– Housing Options
– Homelessness
– Prevention & Relief
– Self-Directed Support
– Home Care
Click to Chat with one of our representatives or request a demonstration