CDP sharp is believed to be the only system on the market that enables you to manage services, cases and people for such a broad variety of service types in one place. Example service types , Homelessness, Housing Related Support, Employment Support, Domestic Abuse, Health & Wellbeing, Visiting Services Substance Misuse and much more.
From voluntary sector services to statutory services sharp enables you to collect and report on the end-to-end journey for single or multiple service types at a local, regional or national level.
National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS)
sharp is a fully web-accessed case management system that is compliant with the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) Community data set requirements for both adults and young people.
sharp is a heavily configurable solution and enables core NDMTS data to be collected alongside organisational and local authority data requirements, providing greater flexibility as to where and what information you record and report.
The flexibility of sharp makes it possible to a have single overview of an individuals’ wider support needs, referrals, interventions, placements, progress and outcomes.
sharp is suitable for
- A single organisation, local authority or department looking for a case/service management system specifically for substance misuse services.
- A single organisation, local authority or department looking for a case/service management system for a variety of services delivered solely by you.
- Multi-agency, multi-department, multi-authority arrangements looking for a single case/service management system for a single service type or a variety of services delivered by different agencies and authorities.
- A fully web-based case management tool
- External agency referrals
- Custom Assessments & Forms
- Combined Review Form (CRF)
- Treatment Outcome Profile (TOPs)
- Client Information Review (CIRs)
- Sub Intervention Review (SIRs)
- Multi-agency collaboration & support plans
- NDTMS reporting.
- Local management and performance reporting
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